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  • Sebastian Keller's avatar
    appDisplay: Fix app folder icon subicon spacing · 18cd24e6
    Sebastian Keller authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    The code previously was using CSS to define row/column spacing and
    padding which was combined with a subicon size computed in code relative
    to the requested icon size.
    In smaller icon sizes it was possible for the CSS spacing+padding + the
    size of the two subicons to exceed the requested icon size. This then
    would lead to the label being pushed down for app folders compared to
    other icons.
    Another more severe issue caused by this would happen if the first item
    in an icon grid was an app folder. Then the calculation for the maximum
    allowed icon size could be off, leading to all icons in the grid
    becoming smaller than actually necessary.
    This commit changes this to use homogeneous row and column layouts to
    evenly distribute the remaining spacing instead of using a fixed CSS
    Fixes GNOME/gnome-shell#3069
    Part-of: <GNOME/gnome-shell!1581>