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  • Bastien Nocera's avatar
    media-keys: Add support for Killswitch media keys · 3fa0f726
    Bastien Nocera authored
    Add support for the XF86Bluetooth, XF86WLAN and XF86UWB media keys.
    The first one will toggle Bluetooth on/off, as the Bluetooth panel does,
    the latter ones will toggle the global software killswitch.
    The reasoning behind those 2 keys toggling the global software
    killswitch is that:
    - we don't have a killswitch for only WiFi
    - there are very very few laptops with a UWB killswitch button, if
      anyone actually remembers what UWB actually is
    - there are no XF86 keys for the global killswitch, so they usually get
      mislabeled as the WLAN killswitch