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  • Marco Trevisan's avatar
    smartcard: Rewrite to use p11-kit backend via Gck APIs · b7121e38
    Marco Trevisan authored and Carlos Garnacho's avatar Carlos Garnacho committed
    The smartcard plugin of g-c-c has been based on the usage of NSS API,
    unfortunately this means that, in order to be able to fetch the PKCS #11
    devices, the system must provide a shared certificate NSS database that
    is not standard in most distributions outside the Fedora / RH world.
    Also, this database has to be pre-filled with PKCS #11 libraries to get
    the available one, not fully respecting the p11-kit modules standard
    (even though by default it now relies on a p11-kit-proxy library that de
    facto follows this).
    As per this, it's currently quite hard to get GDM to use smartcard
    authentication working both using pam-sss or pam-pkcs11 in most distros.
    This also was introducing another level of abstraction, while using the
    p11-kit libs is nowadays preferred.
    Said that, it made sense to finally use some standard libraries so that
    smartcard devices supported by p11-kit can be handled without any
    further action.
    While we could support multiple backends, it doesn't really make any
    sense at this point, without breaking Fedora and friends, in fact:
     1) As said, distros using the NSS db were already getting devices from
        p11-kit via a proxy
     2) Fedora and RHEL rely on SSSD for the PAM authentication and this
        project completely dropped the NSS support [1], and only uses
        p11-kit and OpenSSL.
    So this change will actually ensure that the smartcard support will
    continue working even on distros that are using a system NSS database.
    Given that GNOME has already a library to abstract PKCS#11 devices, I
    preferred not to write yet another wrapper around it, and just rely on
    that as a light wrap the devices, slots and tokens operations.
    So we can remove quite a lot of initialization code, while some
    facilities that were provided by NSS (such as waiting for slot events)
    had to be reimplemented, but following the same logic.
    Fixes: #260
    Related to: #439