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  • Sam Thursfield's avatar
    item-manager: Avoid CRITICALs when adding an item to a mode · 92a19102
    Sam Thursfield authored
    The mtime is stored as nfo:fileLastModified or nie:contentLastModified
    in the Tracker database. These properties are of type xsd:dateTime,
    and are returned as strings, not booleans. Hence it led to:
      Tracker-CRITICAL **: tracker_sparql_cursor_real_get_boolean:
        assertion '_tmp0_ == TRACKER_SPARQL_VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN' failed
    These CRITICALs were more often (always?) triggered when using
    TrackerSparqlConnection's 'bus' backend that uses D-Bus to access the
    Tracker database. eg., the Flatpak builds that don't bundle the Tracker
    D-Bus services.
    Fallout from 3ad413e3