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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    major moving of code from one file to another, no bugs fixed or anything · f507c080
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Wed Jul 22 02:05:49 1998  George Lebl  <>
            * *.(cc|c|h): major moving of code from one file to another, no
              bugs fixed or anything like that, it's purely moving of stuff
              around, all session stuff from main.c and panel.c is now in
              session.c, all applet stuff from panel.c is now in applet.c,
              all extern stuff from main.c and panel.c is now in extern.c,
              all panel stuff from main.c is now in panel.c, and and the
              exec-queue stuff from main.c is now in exec-queue.c. essentially
              panel.c is COMPLETELY different :)
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