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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    Make sure menus appear within xinerama boundaries. Those that don't like · c16f5c6a
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Wed Jan 23 18:20:13 2002  George Lebl <>
    	* menu.[ch], menu-util.c, applet.c, foobar-widget.c:  Make sure
    	  menus appear within xinerama boundaries.  Those that don't like
    	  menu.c style of coding should NOT look at this code.  But it
    	* multiscreen-stuff.c: reorder the screens in the fake debugging
    	* basep-widget.c: fix screen_change signal signature
    	* foobar-widget.c: add some corners.  Yay we half look like a mac
    	  now.  Now if we could only get bottom corners as well.  Maybe
    	  in time.