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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    Some renaming of functions and minor cleanup of cruft. · c0a13c49
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Thu Jan 17 01:43:20 2002  George Lebl <>
    	* panel-util.[ch], applet.c, basep-widget.c, drawer.c, logout.c,
    	  menu.c: Some renaming of functions and minor cleanup of cruft.
    	* panel-applet-frame.c, applet.c, panel.c:  Don't use the 'data'
    	  field to store the frame, that's what the 'widget' item is for
    	* xstuff.c, swallow.c: port the status and swallow checking to
    	  libwnck and some swallowing cleanup including a ditem launch
    	  error dialog
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