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  • Glynn Foster's avatar
    aligned-widget.c, aligned-widget.h, applet-object.c, applet-widget.c, · 8949bd98
    Glynn Foster authored
    2001-12-19  Glynn Foster  <>
    	* aligned-widget.c, aligned-widget.h, applet-object.c, applet-widget.c,
    	* basep-widget.c, basep-widget.h, border-widget.c, border-widget.h,
    	* drawer-widget.c, drawer-widget.h, edge-widget.c, edge-widget.h,
    	* floating-widget.c, floating-widget.h, foobar-widget.c, menu.c,
    	* panel-config.c, panel-config.h, panel-gconf.c, panel-gconf.h,
    	* panel-global-config.schemas, panel-per-panel-config.schemas, panel-util.c,
    	* panel-util.h, panel-widget.c, panel-widget.h, panel.c,
    	* session.c, sliding-widget.c, sliding-widget.h:
    	Mindless hacking. If you can have color, I can have stretch.
    	Cleaned up some of the gconf panel loading.
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