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  • Mark McLoughlin's avatar
    cleanup and use a GtkSeparator menu item as a separator. · 1e4a5c8d
    Mark McLoughlin authored
    2002-03-25  Mark McLoughlin  <>
            * applet.c: (panel_applet_create_menu): cleanup and use
            a GtkSeparator menu item as a separator.
            * basep-widget.c: kill uneeded panel_applet_in_drag def.
            * foobar-widget.c: (append_actions_menu): use 'Run Program...' instead
            of 'Run...' as suggested by calum.
            * main.c: (main): add a notify to /desktop/gnome/interface instead of
            * menu.c:
            (panel_menu_have_icons): kill old crack and use the correct key.
            (menus_have_icons_changed), (panel_menu_new): use the correct key
            for menus_have_icons.
            (image_menuitem_size_request): impl hack to make sure menu items
            without images are the same height as ones with images.
            (setup_full_menuitem): hook up to size_request.
            (create_root_menu): use 'Run Program...' instead of 'Run..'
            * menu.h: kill panel_menu_have_icons and bogus key definition.
            * panel-widget.[ch]:
            (panel_widget_get_free_space), (panel_widget_move): kill unused.
            (panel_widget_switch_applet_right): return is we're at the end of
            the panel.
            (panel_widget_switch_applet_left): return is we've hit the start of
            the panel.
            (panel_widget_switch_move_applet): only switch applets when we actual
            hit an applet.
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