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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    save applet position on move, don't save it when we're removing the · 09dfa3a4
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Wed Feb 27 23:58:15 2002  George Lebl <>
    	* applet.c, panel-applet-frame.[ch], session.c, panel.c: save
    	  applet position on move, don't save it when we're removing the
    	  applets.  Implement back the clean_remove setting for
    	  bonobo_applets in preparation for the 'dead applet' dialog
    	* basep-widget.[ch], menu.c, panel.c:  Try to figure out memory
    	  issues with removing panels/applets.  The menu applet now removes
    	  without a warning, but removing a panel will still corrupt memory
    	  somewhere.  While I was at it I converted the Pos objects to
    	  GObject rather then GtkObject, which gets rid of some sinking
    	* menu-properties.c: remove a dead argument to a function
    	* panel-widget.c: minor cleanup
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