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privacy: Correctly handle ABRT privacy policy link clicks

Will Thompson requested to merge wjt/privacy-page-fixups into master

I noticed while reviewing this page for other reasons that bab50bd6 from !222 (merged) regressed on handling clicks on the privacy policy for the ABRT toggle: the signal handler was incorrectly connected a second time to the MLS label.

Now as it happens there is no known distro that contains both ABRT and a PRIVACY_POLICY_URL in the os-release file, but we can imagine that such advanced technology may one day be invented. To test this branch I added the following to /etc/os-release:


I also noticed that the window is too small to display the MLS policy legibly, and made it a little bigger. Behold:

Large Text (a11y)? Before After
Disabled (default) Screenshot_from_2024-02-02_10-55-00 Screenshot_from_2024-02-02_10-50-10
Enabled (a11y) Screenshot_from_2024-02-02_10-55-23 Screenshot_from_2024-02-02_10-49-45

(Sorry if the screenshots are mixed up, I'm on a train with flaky connectivity.)

Merge request reports