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account: Set enterprise password errors as tooltip

In GNOME 42 and earlier, this error message was used as the tooltip for an error icon in the entry. Since the GTK 4 port, the password widget is now a GtkPasswordEntry, which does not support adding an inline icon in this way.

e495fb58 ("account: Fix criticals when validating domain in enterprise login dialog") stopped attempting to add an icon using the GtkEntry functions which don't work on GtkPasswordEntry, making this page work without warnings/criticals once again, but in the process the error message would not be shown anywhere.

Set the error message (from realmd or the server, I'm not sure!) as the tooltip for the entire entry, so that it is at least accessible. Clear it when clearing the error state.

I (partially) tested this by using – domain DEMO1.FREEIPA.ORG, username admin, and an invalid password.

I did not test the happy path because I do not have a throwaway VM handy that has realmd available and I don't want to attach my personal laptop to this domain!

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