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network: Fixed Network profiles shown on wrong device (#353)

Fixes: #353 (closed) Network profiles shown on wrong device (#353 (closed))

To fix, just add the missing interface name during connection profile creation to prevent the profile from showing on the wrong device.

Requirement: You need to have at least two network devices.

Here is one example with the bug:

(1) Initial state:

Click to expand ksnip_20220922-222306

(2) Adding a new profile:

Click to expand ksnip_20220922-222330

(3) Profile showing on wrong devices:

Click to expand ksnip_20220922-222430

You can exec the following command to confirm the missing interface name:

$ nmcli con show "Profile 1" | grep connection.interface-name
connection.interface-name:              --

Here is the fixed version:

(1) Profile showing on correct devices:

Click to expand ksnip_20220922-224205

(2) Adding a profile on other device and showed correct:

Click to expand ksnip_20220922-224317

You can exec the following command to confirm the correct interface name:

$ nmcli con show "Profile 1" | grep connection.interface-name
connection.interface-name:              enp1s0

$ nmcli con show "Profile 2" | grep connection.interface-name
connection.interface-name:              enx00e04c680061

It's my first PR for gnome, please help me if I forgot something.

Edited by Luciano da Silva Ribas

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