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Draft: Updates to info-overview

Amy requested to merge (removed):main into main

This merge request proposes the following three changes to info-overview:

  1. Re-order the fetch instructions in info_overview_panel_setup_overview to match the display order on the panel (cc-info-overview-panel.ui); this is not dynamic by any means, just a code rearrangement.
  2. Change the disk_row size reporting from SI prefixes (g_format_size) to binary prefixes (g_format_size_full), matching up with memory_row and being overall more consistent for users.
  3. Append the system architecture to the OS type, as GNOME Settings is now being used across a wider distribution of hardware platforms (especially ARM). The purpose of OS Type is to quickly identify binary compatibility to a user, and as more platforms (ARM, RISC-V, etc) become common GNOME Settings targets, having a quick specification of platform type becomes more important.

All commits are self-standing with the exception of line changes.

Edited by Amy

Merge request reports