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  • Matthijs Velsink's avatar
    sound: Remove need for translating speaker test button tooltip · b7e5ad87
    Matthijs Velsink authored and Felipe Borges's avatar Felipe Borges committed
    Splitting the translation for the CcSpeakerTestButton tooltip is not
    ideal. However, fixing that would require keeping track of all the
    `pa_channel_position_t` and translating all speaker names as well.
    From context of the dialog, it's obvious that it is about testing
    speakers, so we can also go with tooltips like "Front Left" instead
    of "Front Left Speaker".
    We then don't need any translations.
    Partially reverts commit a8148b40, but keeps the tooltips and screen
    reader output is the same now as before a8148b40.
    Fixes #2905