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  • 𝅳Automeris naranja's avatar
    apps: Remove CcInfoRow and replace it with CcListRow · cc920841
    𝅳Automeris naranja authored and 𝅳Automeris naranja's avatar 𝅳Automeris naranja committed
    CcListRow is very similar to CcInfoRow:
    - The "show-arrow" property is the equivalent of the "is-link"
    property from CcInfoRow[1]
    - The "secondary-label" is the equivalent of the "info" property
    from CcInfoRow
    - Setting the "activatable" property of CcListRow to "false" makes
    the row to not be activatable just like CcInfoRow
    Unlike CcListRow, CcInfoRow has the `expanded` property. However,
    none of the CcInfoRows from the Apps panel are currently using it.
    Also, CcInfoRow is specific to the Apps panel, while CcListRow is
    used in many different panels
    All of these things makes CcInfoRow redundant, so remove it and replace
    all CcInfoRows with CcListRows.
    [1] used together with the "has-expander" property