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Wip: Tz converter

Alesya Huzik requested to merge (removed):tz-converter into master

This adds a timezone converter to gnome clocks. While having a list of clocks in different timezones is useful, very often you want to know "how much time will it be at this place when it's this time in my location?".

Here's what it looks like:


  • Hour offset labels are slightly misaligned due to a bug in GTK. I could have added a workaround by moving them a few pixels to the left with CSS, but I believe it's better to fix it upstream.
  • Alarm is impacted by my changes to the WallClock. I'll fix that before removing Wip prefix.

This is my first Vala and GTK code, and I haven't done any imperative/OOP programming in 5 years (and desktop UI programming in 11 years), so suggestions are very welcome.

Merge request reports