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clock: allow escaping the Add a New World Clock dialog with the Escape key

Julian Richen requested to merge julianrichen/gnome-clocks:master into master

This merge request adds the ability to close the world clock dialog using the "Escape" key. When I have a dialog open I expect to be able to use the "Escape" key to cancel out of it as I'm no longer interested. Other dialogs in clocks respect the "Escape" key like the New/Edit Alarm dialog. This may present a problem as this dialog has a GtkSearchEntry.

When the dialog opens the GtkSearchEntry grabs the focus and GtkSearchEntry captures the "Escape" key to stop the current search operation if pressed. I guess the question is, would you prefer to have the "Escape" key close the dialog or the cancel the current search operation? I feel closing the dialog is more natural and is inline with the other dialogs. I wanted to propose this MR but I understand if it's not accepted.

Merge request reports