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Overview of changes in gnome-calculator 40.beta
    * Updated Translations
    * Fixed CI build (Robert Roth)
    * Fixed issues with initial loading of currencies (Robert Roth)
    * Rework currency retrieval preparing for currency provider plugins (Robert Roth)
    * Fixed commandline conversions #33 (Robert Roth)
    * Added currency conversion tests (Robert Roth)
    * Added support for frequencies conversion (Dave Hulst)
    * Added support for converting to and from weeks (Dave Hulst)
    * Added support for converting to and from centuries and decades (Dave Hulst)
    * Increase buttons font size #201 (Robert Roth)
    * Added % button to Advanced mode (Dave Hulst)
    * Show 4 decimals in converter instead of only two #203 (Robert Roth)
    * Added style classes to buttons !76 (Dave Hulst)