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  • Pascal Nowack's avatar
    search-provider: stop normalizing the equation twice · 07a5442c
    Pascal Nowack authored and Robert Roth's avatar Robert Roth committed
    When an equation is given by the g-s overview, g-c
    will solve this equation, where it will be first
    normalized and then solved.
    This is done by running a subprocess, where g-c
    will call g-c in this subprocess with the
    "--solve" argument.
    With this "--solve" argument, the equation will
    also be normalized.
    However, when an equation is given by the g-s
    overview, it will also be normalized in a check,
    that happens before the solve process, to not to
    process single numbers given by the g-s overview.
    This normalized equation will then be used to
    invoke the subprocess to solve the equation,
    leading into normalizing the already normalized
    equation and therefore resulting into wrong
    results when the equation itself contains
    decimal numbers.
    Solve this issue, by invoking the subprocess with
    the unnormalized equation, instead of the
    normalized one, to not to normalize the
    equation twice.
    Closes: GNOME/gnome-calculator#104