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snippets: Add java snippets

Ghost User requested to merge (removed):java-snippets into master

Basic snippets to code in java


That snippets will cover the defaults. but in next iterations we can go further

You will see a filter called descend_path, which removes first leading node in path. In maven source are on:

  • ${project.path}/src/main/java
  • ${project.path}/src/main/test

and packages come after its path.

so org.gnome.examples.button.Hello class will have this path:


I can remove project path (added a relative_dirname for that) from file path but cannot remove src/main/java with an agnostic plugin. So I remove it calling 3 times that filter.

src/main/java might not be the path for source, is just the default. We need something like snippet filters by language. In this case need to ask maven for the property

$ mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=basedir | grep -v '^\[INFO\]'

$ mvn help:evaluate | grep -v '^\[INFO\]'

The grep part is needed, maven cannot suppress its own log (for real)

One can check (src/test/java) or several other properties, but didn't see a way to provide filters based on BuildSystem. They could be called be something like mvn_remove_source_dir_filter

Edited by Ghost User

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