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Do not fail VM creation if G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all is set

Sid requested to merge sid/gnome-boxes:g_messages_debug_all_fail into main

When gnome-boxes is started with G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all env variable and gnome-boxes tries to create a VM, the "virsh" command output parsing by gnome-boxes fails, causing VM creation to fail. This is due to "virsh" command output being tainted by the following Glib/Gio debug message from "pkttyagent" process.

(pkttyagent:7798): GLib-GIO-DEBUG: 20:29:15.366: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3)

We could possibly fix it by writing a custom log writer as suggested in #1007 (closed), and reroute the above message to stderr. But, this appears to be an overkill for this issue. Instead, we currently filter out the above error message from "virsh" command stdout.

Fixes: #1007 (closed)

Edited by Sid

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