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Draft: Use symbolic icon instead of label for back buttons

Use a symbolic icon instead of a label for back buttons in this UI. This would better comply with the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines ("The most common usage for UI icons is to identify buttons. Here, it is often preferable to use an icon over a label [...] such as search, menu, forward, back and share") and solve issue #893 (closed).

Here are some screenshots of how it looks.

Download OS
Before (label) Screenshot_from_2023-01-10_12-47-11
Now (icon) Screenshot_from_2023-01-10_12-42-00
Create new VM
Before (label) Screenshot_from_2023-01-10_12-47-00
Now (icon) Screenshot_from_2023-01-10_12-41-46

I marked this as a draft because the back button looks a bit too wide in the "Create new VM" page. I'd prefer if it looked more narrow, like it does in the "Download OS" page but I wasn't able to fix that on my own.

Thanks for developing Boxes!

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