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Take snapshots when the user changes the VMs configuration manually

Felipe Borges requested to merge wip/snapshot-config-changes into master

We introduced the ability to Edit the Libvirt XML of a domain in this past release. The functionality initially ignored the disk/memory state and was basically accounting only for the domain XML. This can be a bit risky for some operating systems because some configuration changes in the domain XML can get picked up by the OS and lead to malfunction.

Now we rely on snapshots, which account for the domain configuration XML and the disk/memory state. This way, we snapshot the VM before applying the user's changes. This allows users to revert the changes safely in the Snapshots tab.

This is a WIP and there are a few bits to discuss:

  • How do we inform users that a snapshot was created before their changes, and that they can revert this snapshot to reset the changes.

  • What's a good human-readable text description for the snapshot? The current implementation names it "Configuration modified %s" (where %s is a timestamp). This is unclear because the snapshot is actually from before the config changes got applied, so I would like to have a more accurate name for it.

Edited by Felipe Borges

Merge request reports