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Fix builds against glib-2.75.x+ with -Dwarnings=fatal on Visual Studio

Chun-wei Fan requested to merge disable-c4273-wrap_init into master


This updates to insert the following into the generated

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning ( disable : 4273)
#pragma warning ( push )

extern "C"
  <C-style prototypes of C library where C++ binding is to be generated against>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning ( pop )

This is necessary as glib-2.75.x or later used macros that decorated prototypes in its headers for shared/DLL builds which expand to __declspec(dllimport), which will cause C4273 warnings (inconsistent decoration of function prototypes with and without __declspec(dllimport)) to be raised. Since this warning is harmless for this section of code, I think it would be best to just disable it momentarily.

This will also be needed for the glibmm-2-66 branch.

With blessings, thank you!

Edited by Chun-wei Fan

Merge request reports