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  • Matthias Clasen's avatar
    settings: Add support for defaults to keyfile backend · c63e3a4a
    Matthias Clasen authored
    Stacked databases and locks are dconf features that allow
    management software like Fleet Commander to set system-wide
    defaults and overrides centrally for applications.
    This patch adds minimal support for the same to the keyfile
    backend. We look for a keyfile named 'defaults' and a
    lock-list named 'locks'.
    Suitable files can be produced from a dconf database with
    dconf dump and dconf list-locks, respectively.
    The default location for these files is /etc/glib-2.0/settings/.
    For test purposes, this can be overwritten with the
    GSETTINGS_DEFAULTS_DIR environment variable.
    Writes always go to the per-user keyfile.