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  • Alexander Larsson's avatar
    Added. Added. Added. Added. Added. Added. Added. Added. Added. Added. · 7dc75d70
    Alexander Larsson authored
    2008-03-14  Alexander Larsson  <>
            * fen/ Added.
            * fen/fen-data.[ch]: Added.
            * fen/fen-dump.[ch]: Added.
            * fen/fen-helper.[ch]: Added.
            * fen/fen-kernel.[ch]: Added.
            * fen/fen-missing.[ch]: Added.
            * fen/fen-node.[ch]: Added.
            * fen/fen-sub.[ch]: Added.
            * fen/gfendirectorymonitor.[ch]: Added.
            * fen/gfenfilemonitor.[ch]: Added.
            * giomodule.c:
    	Added Solaris FEN file notification backend.
    	Patch from Lin Ma <Lin.Ma@Sun.COM>
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=6702
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