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  • Allison Karlitskaya's avatar
    g_get_user_runtime_dir(): ensure directory exists · 7c6141a5
    Allison Karlitskaya authored
    If the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable is set, we are being told by
    the OS that this directory exists and is appropriately configured
    already.  In the fallback case of ~/.cache/, however, the directory may
    not yet exist.
    Rework the logic of this function a little so that we only check for the
    environment variable once.  If it is not set, we will fall back to the
    cache directory, and mkdir() it to make sure that it exists.
    Meanwhile, remove a statement from the reference documentation that
    promises a warning in this case (which has never been true) and replace
    it with a statement that applications can rely on the directory
    This change prevents each user of this API from having to check for the
    directory for themselves; an example of that can be seen in bug 763274.