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  • Allison Karlitskaya's avatar
    GDesktopAppInfo: rewrite content type code · 6fd5a8cd
    Allison Karlitskaya authored
    Redo the code for type-based selection of applications (all,
    recommended, default, fallback) based on the new DesktopFileDir
    structures that we introduced last cycle.
    At the same time, we expand the functionality to add support for the new
    features of the specification:
     - moving ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list to ~/.config/
     - per-desktop default applications (via XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP)
     - sysadmin customisation of defaults (via /etc/xdg/mimeapps.list)
     - deprecation of the old defaults.list, favouring the use of
       /usr/share/applications/mimeapps.list (or gnome-mimeapps.list) to
       accomplish the same
    We modify the mimeapps testcase to check for mimeapps.list having been
    created in XDG_CONFIG_HOME instead of XDG_DATA_HOME.
    The modification is a net reduction of code (due to less duplication in
    bookkeeping).  It is also an increase in performance and reduction in
    memory consumption (due to simplified data structures).  Finally, it
    removes the stat-based timestamp checking in favour of the
    GFileMonitor-based approach that was already being used in the
    implementation of DesktopFileDir (in order to know if we had to rescan
    the desktop files themselves).