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  • Tor Lillqvist's avatar
    Drop the "win32" part from under "dependencies" so that the same project · 4b92cd39
    Tor Lillqvist authored
    2008-09-15  Tor Lillqvist  <>
    	* win32/vs8/*.vcproj: Drop the "win32" part from under
    	"dependencies" so that the same project files can be used also
    	for 64-bit compilation by just having a different
    	"dependencies" folder containing 64-bit packages instead. At
    	least, I hope it will work out some way like that. MSVS
    	project files really are a pain to maintain. Much information
    	is typically copied for four different configurations
    	"Debug|Win32", "Release|Win32", "Debug|x64" and "Release|x64"
    	instead of having common stuff listed just once and only different
    	parametrisations. Or am I missing something?
    	Make the "Release" configuration work, too. Use correct character
    	set for the gspawn-win32-helper programs. Use correct subsystem
    	for the non-console one.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=7490
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