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  • Philip Withnall's avatar
    tests: Ensure GCancellable is cancelled before operation is started · eb589e2b
    Philip Withnall authored
    In the writev() tests, the handling of cancellation is tested. However,
    the GCancellable was cancelled after the writev_async() call was
    started. Depending on the implementation of the writev() vfunc, the
    operation could be done in a thread or in callbacks on the current
    thread’s main loop. If done in a separate thread, there’s a chance that
    enough of the write could happen before cancellation reaches that thread
    that the overall operation returns success with a short write.
    That would cause the test to fail, sometimes.
    Avoid that by cancelling the GCancellable before starting the writev()
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPhilip Withnall <>
    Reviewed-by: nobody