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  • Allison Karlitskaya's avatar
    app info: tweak default application algorithm · 2bb898c6
    Allison Karlitskaya authored
    Always run the full algorithm for a given mime type before considering
    fallback types.
    This includes considering installed applications capable of handling a
    particular mimetype, even if such an app is not explicitly marked as
    default, and there is a default app for a less-specific type.
    Specifically, this often helps with cases of installing apps that can
    handle a particular subtype of text/plain.  We want to take those apps
    in preference to a generic text editor, even if that editor is listed as
    the default for text/plain and there is no default listed for the more
    specific type.
    Because of the more holistic approach taken by the algorithm, it is now
    more complicated, but it also means that we can do more work while
    holding the lock.  In turn, that lets us avoid duplicating some strings,
    which is nice.