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  • LRN's avatar
    Fix the 6-days-until-the-end-of-the-month bug · 807e4fdc
    LRN authored and Philip Withnall's avatar Philip Withnall committed
    The addition causes the date to shift
    forward into 1st of the next month, because a 0-based offset
    is compared to be "more than" the days in the month instead of "more than
    or equal to".
    This is triggered by corner-cases where transition date is 6 days
    off the end of the month and our calculations put it at N+1th day of the
    month (where N is the number of days in the month). The subtraction should
    be triggered to move the date back a week, putting it 6 days off the end;
    for example, October 25 for CET DST transition; but due to incorrect comparison
    the date isn't shifted back, we add 31 days to October 1st and end up
    at November 1st).
    Fixes issue #2215.