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  • Simon McVittie's avatar
    gdbus-serialization: use check_serialization() instead of dbus-daemon · f42d2c1b
    Simon McVittie authored
    This test originally did not connect to the bus, which meant it was
    omitted from commits like 415a8d81 that made sure none of GLib tests
    rely on the presence of an existing session bus. (In particular,
    Debian autobuilders don't have a session bus.)
    When test_double_array() was added, environments like the Debian
    autobuilders didn't catch the fact that this test relied on having a
    session bus, because it is often skipped in minimal environments
    due to its libdbus-1 dependency.
    We don't actually need to connect to a dbus-daemon here: it's enough
    to convert the message from GVariant to D-Bus serialization, and
    back into an in-memory representation through libdbus. That's what
    check_serialization() does, and I've verified that when I re-introduce
    bug #732754 by reverting commits 627b49b3 and 22686285 locally, this
    test still fails.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSimon McVittie <simon.mcvittie@collabor...>