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  • Nirbheek Chauhan's avatar
    meson: Provide our Python tools for builds · 057f393b
    Nirbheek Chauhan authored
    Several of our tools are installed and are used by other projects to
    generate code. However, there is no 'install' when projects use glib
    as a subproject.
    We need some way for glib to 'provide' these tools so that when some
    project uses glib as a subproject, find_program('glib-mkenums') will
    transparently return the glib-mkenums we just built.
    Starting from Meson 0.46, this can be done with the
    `meson.override_find_program()` function.
    As a bonus, the Meson GNOME module will also use these
    'overriden'/'provided' programs instead of looking for them in PATH.