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Add a SPDX LicenseRef for the license historically used for tests

Simon McVittie requested to merge wip/smcv/tests-license into main
  • Add a SPDX LicenseRef for the license historically used for tests

    Some of GLib's unit tests are under an apparently GLib-specific permissive license, vaguely similar to the BSD/MIT family but with the GPL's lack-of-warranty wording. This is not on SPDX's list of well-known licenses, so we need to use a custom license name prefixed with LicenseRef if we want to represent this in SPDX/REUSE syntax.

    Most of the newer tests seem to be licensed under LGPL-2.1-or-later instead.

  • custom-dispatch: Change SPDX-License-Identifier to match license grant

    The SPDX-License-Identifier said LGPL-2.1-or-later, but the license grant was a permissive license, which we now identify as LicenseRef-old-glib-tests.

/cc @matthiasc @3v1n0 (authors of custom-dispatch test)

Does this license have a better name than the one I invented? If there's a better way to identify it then I'm happy to use that instead.

Helps: #1415

Edited by Philip Withnall

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