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  • Simon McVittie's avatar
    Incorporate some lint checks into `meson test` · d7601f7e
    Simon McVittie authored and Philip Withnall's avatar Philip Withnall committed
    This will make it easier and more obvious for developers to run them
    locally: I'm sure I'm not the only developer who had assumed that
    `.gitlab-ci/` is private to the CI environment and inappropriate (or
    perhaps even destructive) to run on a developer/user system.
    The lint checks are automatically skipped (with TAP SKIP syntax) if we
    are not in a git checkout, or if git or the lint tool is missing. They
    can also be disabled explicitly with `meson test --no-suite=lint`,
    which downstream distributions will probably want to do.
    By default, most lint checks are reported as an "expected failure"
    (with TAP TODO syntax) rather than a hard failure, because they do not
    indicate a functional problem with GLib and there is a tendency for
    lint tools to introduce additional checks or become more strict over
    time. Developers can override this by configuring with `-Dwerror=true`
    (which also makes compiler warnings into fatal errors), or by running
    the test suite like `LIN...