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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    gsignal: use g_clear_signal_handler() macro to implement g_clear_signal_handler() function · 84162112
    Thomas Haller authored
    We have a "good" implementation of g_clear_signal_handler() in
    form of a macro. Use it, and don't duplicate the code.
    Also add a comment to the documentation that "instance" in fact must
    not point to a valid GObject instance -- if the handler ID is unset.
    Also reword the documentation about the reasoning for why a macro
    version exists. The reason is not to use the function "without
    pointer cast". I don't think the non-macro version requires any
    pointer cast, since "instance" is a void pointer. Was this referring
    to the handler_id_ptr? That doesn't seem right either, because the
    caller should always provide a "gulong *" pointer and nothing else.