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  • Owen Taylor's avatar
    move $enable_debug down below checks for GCC to avoid setting CFLAGS · 956f00ed
    Owen Taylor authored
    Fri Jan  5 11:25:42 2001  Owen Taylor  <>
    	* (PACKAGE): move $enable_debug down below
    	checks for GCC to avoid setting CFLAGS prematurely,
    	change checks to avoid adding -g twice.
    	* gutf8.c (g_ucs4_to_utf8): Support len < 0 to mean
    	0 termination.
    	* gutf8.c (g_utf8_to_ucs4): Terminate result with 0.
    	* tests/mainloop-test.c (main): Fix uses of
    	* tests/unicode-encoding.c tests/ tests/utf8.txt:
    	Tests for unicode-conversion code.
    	* gconvert.c (g_convert, g_convert_with_fallback): work around
    	a couple of GNU libc bugs.
    	* gconvert.[ch] (g_{locale,filename}_{to,from}_utf8): Standardize
    	arguments to match g_convert(). Document.
    	* gunicode.[ch]:
    	  - Implement conversion functions to and from UTF-16
    	  - Standardize unicode conversion functions on prototype like
    	  - Add a lot of error checking to unicode conversion functions.
    	* gunicode.[ch] (g_utf8_to_ucs4_fast): Add fast, non-checking
    	variant of g_utf8_to_ucs4.
    	* gutf8.c (g_utf8_validate):
    	 - add g_return_if_fail (str != NULL).
    	 - add checks for overlong strings, non-valid Unicode characters (>= 110000)
    	   and single surrogates.
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