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  • Dan Winship's avatar
    gtestutils: print the TAP test plan first, not last · 6e382208
    Dan Winship authored
    TAP allows you to print the "test plan" (ie, the expected number of
    tests" either at the start or the end of the test program, but if you
    put it at the end, and the program crashes, automake will complain
    "missing test plan", which is confusing to users (particularly since
    it prints that *before* it prints that the test program crashed,
    suggesting that somehow the lack of test plan was responsible for the
    crash or something, rather than vice versa).
    Anyway, change it to count the tests ahead of time, and print the test
    plan first. Keeping this simple requires disallowing the '-p', '-s',
    and '--GTestSkipCount' options when using '--tap' (although we were
    already printing the wrong number in the --GTestSkipCount case