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  • EST 1998	Michael K. Johnson's avatar
    added GFreeFunc and g_hash_table_set_key_freefunc() prototype. added · 3568d22b
    EST 1998 Michael K. Johnson authored
    Tue Nov 24 14:05:47 EST 1998	Michael K. Johnson <>
    	* glib.h: added GFreeFunc and g_hash_table_set_key_freefunc()
    	* ghash.c: added g_hash_table_set_key_freefunc() implementation.
    	Modified the prototypes of the functions g_hash_node_destroy() and
    	g_hash_nodes_destroy(), and changed the functions that call them
    	to match the new definitions.
    	This changes no external interfaces, and should create no binary
    	or source incompatibilities.  It does add a member to the
    	GHashTable structure.