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  • Philip Withnall's avatar
    gstrfuncs: Add internal g_memdup2() function · 24b94469
    Philip Withnall authored and Simon McVittie's avatar Simon McVittie committed
    This will replace the existing `g_memdup()` function for use within
    GLib. It has an unavoidable security flaw of taking its `byte_size`
    argument as a `guint` rather than as a `gsize`. Most callers will
    expect it to be a `gsize`, and may pass in large values which could
    silently be truncated, resulting in an undersize allocation compared
    to what the caller expects.
    This could lead to a classic buffer overflow vulnerability for many
    callers of `g_memdup()`.
    `g_memdup2()`, in comparison, takes its `byte_size` as a `gsize`.
    Spotted by Kevin Backhouse of GHSL.
    In GLib 2.68, `g_memdup2()` will be a new public API. In this version
    for backport to older stable releases, it’s a new `static inline` API
    in a private header, so that use of `g_memdup()` within GLib can be
    fixed without adding a new API in a stable release series.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPhilip Withnall <>
    Helps: CVE-2021-27219
    Helps: GHSL-2021-045
    Helps: #2319
    (cherry picked from commit 5e5f75a7)