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  • Tristan Van Berkom's avatar
    Applied patch for bug 340692 · ef7d9f23
    Tristan Van Berkom authored
    	* doc/ Applied patch for bug 340692
    	* src/glade-command.c: glade_command_set_property (), return if
    	  the command doesnt change the property.
    	* src/glade-editor-property.c: GladeEPropText, if string property is NULL
    	  and we recieve "" from the entry, set the property to NULL, if we get
    	  NULL from the entry and the property is "", then set the property to
    	  "", otherwise set the property to the entry text. (this fixes 339832)
    	* src/glade-property.[ch]: constified GValue argument to
    	  glade_property_equals_value ().
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