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  • Chema Celorio's avatar
    when saving a .xml file indent it as libxml did by calling SaveFormatFile · bbec1dc1
    Chema Celorio authored
    2001-07-23  Chema Celorio  <>
    	* src/glade-xml-utils.c (glade_xml_doc_save): when saving a .xml file indent
    	it as libxml did by calling SaveFormatFile and xmlKeepBlanksDefault.
    	* src/glade-xml-utils.h: hide the libxml internals (remove headers from the
    	.h file and into the .c file. Update all the code to not deal with libxml
    	structs directly. Changed the while loops that generated libxml nodes to for
    	loops. remove the skip_text macro and add glade_xml_node_is_comment so that
    	we can test the node for a node we should ignore (in the for loops).
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