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  • Tristan Van Berkom's avatar
    Revamping of the glade-editor, wrenched out the GladeEditorProperty code · 89f70a7e
    Tristan Van Berkom authored
    	* src/glade-editor.[ch], src/glade-editor-property.[ch], src/
    	  Revamping of the glade-editor, wrenched out the GladeEditorProperty code
    	  from glade-editor.[ch] and created glade-editor-property.[ch], lots of
    	  code cleanup all around and now GladeEditorProperty is a GtkWidget with
    	  a smooth encapsulation, transperent derivitives for different pspec types
    	  and can now be used standalone inside custom editors.
    	* src/glade-property.[ch]: clarified recursion protection with "syncing" var.
    	* src/glade-property-class.c: Now consults glade_editor_property_supported instead
    	  of the old glade_editor_editable_property.
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