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  • Tristan Van Berkom's avatar
    stock spec name fixed and removed construct only. · 67fb3f57
    Tristan Van Berkom authored
    	* src/glade-builtins.c: stock spec name fixed and removed construct only.
    	* src/glade-property.c:
    	  - Fixed glade_property_dup () to use properties.
    	  - Fixed double free in glade_property_finalize (thankyou valgrind)
    	* src/main.c: Removed workaround for an old fixed bug in gtk+, no reason to have
    	  obscure code like that when we are targeting a recent version of gtk+.
    	* widgets/gtk+.xml: Ignore selectable changes & implement ignore property
    	* src/glade-property-class.c, src/glade-property.[ch]: implement ignore
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