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  • Tristan Van Berkom's avatar
    Faked the accel-group property and added accel-groups object list to · bde43f1a
    Tristan Van Berkom authored
    	* plugins/gtk+/ Faked the accel-group property and added
    	accel-groups object list to GtkWindow... work in progress.
    	* plugins/gtk+/glade-image-item-editor.c: Adjusted for accel-group property
    	which is only avaiable for stock items.
    	* plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk.c: Fixed sensitivity for accel-group/stock at load time.
    	* gladeui/glade-editor-property.c: Labels dont go insensitive anymore, I think that
    	was a general usability problem, the inputs still go insensitive and there are always 
    	useful tooltips, the insensitivity message still gets across.
    	* gladeui/glade-editor-table.c: Fixed breaking weak refs from dispose.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=2018