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  • Philip Chimento's avatar
    context: Fix gjs_context_eval() for non-zero-terminated strings · 870b1942
    Philip Chimento authored
    Calling gjs_context_eval() with a non-zero-terminated string has
    apparently been broken for quite a long time. I guess nobody ever does
    This is a surprisingly complicated fix for a simple-sounding problem.
    The complication is due to the passed-in strlen being ignored in more
    than one place: both in gjs_strip_unix_shebang() and in the code that
    converts UTF-8 to UTF-16.
    In addition, gjs_strip_unix_shebang() would access invalid memory if
    given a 1-length string or a non-zero-terminated string.
    We fix the UTF-16 conversion code, and replace gjs_strip_unix_shebang()
    with a safer version using C++ strings (which we have anyway after
    converting to UTF-16.) This new function, gjs_unix_shebang_len(),
    returns the offset that must be added to the string's starting position,
    in order to skip the shebang line.
    It would be better in the future to return a std::u16string_view from
    gjs_unix_shebang_len(), but that is not yet available in C++14.