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Fix Visual Studio builds after migration to SpiderMonkey 102.x

Chun-wei Fan requested to merge mozjs102-msvc into master


This attempts to fix the build of the GJS sources against SpiderMonkey 102.x. This is the continuation of 1-basically what is done:

  • Require Visual Studio 2019 16.5.x or later, since we need to use the newer preprocessor (/Zc:preprocessor) in order to build against the SpiderMonkey 102.x headers.
  • Fix builds against glib-2.68.x or later, since for Visual Studio builds it is considered an error to return a value in a void-retype function (see glib's msvc_recommended_pragmas.h, where warning C4098 is considered an error).

What probably needs to be done in GJS as a whole (i.e. for all builds):

  • We might need to depend on a newer GLib/G-I, as newer items from there seemed to be used (I might be wrong). It did seem to me that for the introspection to work, we must use g-i main or the very latest gnome-42 branch, since the introspection data was updated after 1.72.0 (the gnome-42 release) was released.
  • Examples might need an update, or I missed something, as in 1. Same goes if I used clang-cl without the change in mozilla/EnumSet.h, as noted below. I will try on a Linux system to double-check whether I missed something.

What needs to be done in upstream SpiderMonkey:

  • The generated header that should be installed during SpiderMonkey's build process ProfilingCategoryList.h is missing.
  • Update mozilla/EnumSet.h to either drop the static constexpr or fix things otherwise in line 329, as noted in 1.

With blessings, thank you!

Edited by Chun-wei Fan

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