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WIP: Tweaks

Ghost User requested to merge (removed):tweaks into master

C l o s e s #135 (closed)

It is based on !74 (merged) (everything is from now on).

  • The errors I've seeing are GTK and Cairo related.
  • I'll add a new job that tests GTK and Cairo ASAP.
  • The error below still happens (but it seems 100% related to GJS itself). And the SpiderMonkey debug build might help with it (it is ready, only waiting the new upstream SpiderMonkey).
ERROR: installed-tests/js/testGObjectDestructionAccess.js - too few tests run (expected 9, got 0)
ERROR: installed-tests/js/testGObjectDestructionAccess.js - exited with status 1
Edited by Ghost User

Merge request reports